
Awga K'uuga by Mitch Adams
Transformation by Alvin Adkins
Our Hearts Sing by Rick Adkins
Komokwa by Wayne Alfred
Four Phases of the Moon by Fah Ambers
K'aka'win by Patrick Amos
Thoughts of Sea and Sky (Framed) by Kenojuak Ashevak
Divine Momentum by Margaret August
Spirit Wolf by Stan Bevan
Blackfish by Klatle-Bhi
Eagle by David Boxley
Positive and Negative of Montreal by John Brent Bennett
Ḵ'aax̱ada Awg̱a (Shark) by Tyson Brown
Haida Eagle by Lyle Campbell
Thunder Mountain by Thomas Cannell
Sea Lion by Frank Charlie
Thunderbird and Killerwhale by Lorraine Charlie
Sharing Knowledge by Alvin Child
Reflections by Rande Cook
Ravens in Nest by Doug Cranmer
Raven by George David
Clayoquot by Joe David
Almost There by Ben Davidson
Beaver by Reg Davidson
Before the Snag by Robert Davidson
Nits'iits'im-Simgan by Erica Davis
Frogs by Danny Dennis
Carrying the Prayer by Andrew Dexel
Bears by Beau Dick
Affinity by Francis Dick
Haida Hawk Design by Freda Diesing
Whale Eater by Gwaai Edenshaw
Sculpin by Shawn Edenshaw
Birth of the Beaver Clan by Alano Edzerza
Connection by Andy Everson
Formless by Phil Gray
Kal-Hon by Henry Green
First Fisherman by Stan Greene
Gramma Harris by Raven Grenier
Raven by Landon Gunn
Outside Looking In by KC Hall
Bear and Salmon by Roy Hanuse
Children Pulling the Jaw Off the Transformed Weget by Walter Harris
Massett Haida Pole Raising by Jim Hart
Wiileeks Hashoosk by Bill Helin
Native Printmakers of Vancouver Island Poster by Mark Henderson
Eagle Rising by Dean Heron
Bear by Ben Houstie
Cannibal Woman by Henry Hunt
Sea Monster by Noreen Hunt
Kwakiutl Thunderbird by Richard Hunt
Baptism Mural by Tony Hunt Sr
White Raven by Trevor Husband
Hummingbirds by Mark Anthony Jacobson
Alevin by Phil Janze
Blood Red Moon (Diptych) by Maynard Johnny Jr.
Yexw (Blue 'Thunderbird') by Jonas Jones
Wolf by Walter Joseph Jr.
Bear and Salmon by Stephanie Kewistep
Thunderbird and Whale by Doug Lafortune Sr.
Feeding Hummingbirds by lessLIE
Bear Pole at Yan by Val Malesku
Thunderbird by Sharifah Marsden
Community by Angela Marston
Odyssey (Silver) by Corey Moraes
Untitled (Raven Stealing the Sun) by Ken Mowatt
The Fall by Elsie Nelson
Loon's Necklace by Victor Newman
A Celebration of Contemporary Canadian Indian Art Poster (Featuring "At the Feast") by Daphne Odjig
Cowichan Ladybug by Stuart Pagaduan
In Our Spirit by Eric Parnell
Stone Eagle by Chris Paul
Cihsit by Tim Paul
Eagles by George Pennier
Telly by Gerren Peters
Wa-kes by Joe Peters Jr. and Rena Bevan
A Mark of the Salish by Susan Point
Winter Song by Mark Preston
Neegyawks by Glen Rabena
Bear Mother and Her Husband by Bill Reid
Bear Box Design by Larry Rosso
Challenge, Choice, Change
Bear Stepping Into Itself by Cori Savard
Canadian Geese by Robert Sebastian
Luck for a Hunter by Ron Sebastian
Alert Owl II: Keep Watch by Richard Shorty
Dogfish by Jay Simeon
Drum Design by Steve Smith
Ya-Ghees by Henry Speck
All About Nuu (Octopus) by Ernest Swanson
Blue Whale by Isaac Tait
Killerwhale by Norman Tait
New Territory (Sea) by Dylan Thomas
80 Potlach by Art Thompson
A Quiet Place II by Roy Henry Vickers
Muwux̲ Gi'ni (Four Salmon Eggs) by Cheryl Wadhams
Thunderbird Sisiutl by Lloyd Wadhams Sr.
Eagle Paddle by Dan Wallace
K'awat'si "Treasure Box" by William Wasden Jr.
Raven and Sun by Ray Wesley
Raven and the Sun by Karla West
Green Hummingbird by Gryn White
Dogfish by Francis Williams
Octopus by Derek Wilson
Hummingbird and Moon by Joe Wilson
Weegit and the Trickster by Lyle Wilson
Salmon by Mervin Windsor
Whale by Paul Windsor
Whale by Glen Wood
Thanks? by Clinton Work
A White Finger Pointing to the Moon by Don Yeomans
Doug Zilkie